Minutes from 8/26/2020 Call-In PNWBA Board of Directors Meeting
Prepared by: Steve Rubin, PNWBA Board Secretary
NOTE: This was the first official board meeting since April due to having no upcoming events and little business to discuss.
Roll Call:
Jane Biehl - President – Present
Chris Kelly - Vice President
Lance Rasmussen - Treasurer – Present
Steve Rubin - Secretary – Present
Jason Bauer - Board Member
Glenn Elliott – Past President – Present
Gregg Fujino - Board Member – Present
Dale Groestema - Board Member – Present
John Lim Hing – Board Member
James Jones - Board Member
Pat Maddock - Board Member – Present
Eric Mendel - Board Member
Bill Stock - Board Member – Present
Paul Wenger - Board Member
Loralee Williams - Board Member – Present
9 of 15 members present for a quorum.
The President called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm to complete a quorum.
No treasurer’s report this meeting due to transition issues with COVID.
Motion to approve the minutes from the April call-in meeting was approved. Steve will post the April Minutes to the forum for the membership.
Treasurer’s report requested by Chris Kelly – see above.
Pat: Annual membership meeting planning for the weekend of 11/13-15. If we can pull it off due to distancing and local restrictions, we’re planning a fun and instructional weekend for the membership. We’re hoping to have a go/no go decision at our next Board meeting.
Pat will prepare verbiage for a notice from the board that a Survey will be coming out in early to mid-September regarding the annual meeting and to watch your email for it. Steve will send it along to Eric for Facebook posting and post it in the PNWBA forum.
Saffron recently sent an email requesting PNWBA to approach American Royal and The Jack to see if they could reduce the number of teams to 15 due to the pandemic and the health and economy of our region. Jane contacted the Jack. They have 8 sanctioning bodies and the committee decided not to lower it. Jane’s contact will ask them to revisit the request. An answer might take a couple of months.
The Board had a robust discussion as to what the Association can do to maintain membership during our time of the pandemic and several viable thoughts were proposed. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
The north storage unit has been consolidated into the Puyallup unit and the rental agreement closed. This will save the Association considerable funds each month. Thanks to the team who arranged and moved everything and to Lance for coordinating, Bill Stock, Eric Mendel, Jason Bauer, Pat Maddock, Jane Biehl, and Steve Rubin. Kudos to Pat and Jane who went through every box of records for the archives.
A motion was passed to adjourn the meeting and the President adjourned it at 7:53 pm.
The next board meeting will be a phone meeting on September 16 at 6:30 PM.