Minutes from 2/24/2021 Call-In PNWBA Board of Directors Meeting
Prepared by: Steve Rubin, PNWBA Board Secretary
Roll Call:
Jane Biehl - President – Present
Pat Maddock - Vice President – Present
Lance Rasmussen - Treasurer – Present
Steve Rubin - Secretary – Present
Jason Bauer - Board Member – Present
Gregg Fujino - Board Member – Present
Dale Groestema - Board Member
Rush Hoag – Board Member Present
John Lim Hing – Board Member
James Jones - Board Member
Eric Mendel - Board Member – Present
Bill Stock - Board Member – Present
Karen Stral – Board Member – Present
Steve Waldron – Board Member – Present
11 of 14 members present for a quorum.
The President called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.
Approve minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from the January call-in meeting was approved. Steve will post the January Minutes to the forum.
Treasurer's Report/Update
Lance presented the financial reports. Motion to approve the financial reports passed.
Karen Stral was introduced as a new board member replacing Paul for the remainder of his term. She said that she is excited to be there.
Committee Reports:
Events Committee:
Sportsman Show competition was canceled by the venue. It’s now the Back to Basics competition and moved from Puyallup to BSA camp in Snohomish. Head Judges will be Lance and Steve. Jason will be the board rep. Turn-ins TBD / ½ hour or 1 hour. Will add that $15 of the event entry is non-refundable to cover credit card fees and refund expenses paid by PNWBA. Discussed lead time for trophy order. Pat will check with a local supplier. We have not received the $100 sanctioning fee, but have received the application. Motion to sanction the event passed. Currently 5k prize money. PNWBA has applied for insurance for the event.
We’re still looking into whether the self-funding of the prize fund is going to be allowed for Jack qualification. Jane is checking
Committee Reports:
Events Committee:
Bill – working on getting an events team meeting together, but members are working on reaching out for events/light cooks, etc. Possible event with SCA in April. Looking for private events. Perhaps combining with Judging or Cooking Classes. Lite events are one of the ways to entice new teams.
Thinking outside the box this year and possible PNWBA sponsorship of events. Break-even scenario, but PNWBA has fixed costs that still need to be covered. Covid will make it difficult to hold classes, etc.
Finance Committee: Lance
For events, we have to track the prize funds for over $600 need W-9. Requiring all teams to complete a W-9 at every event. App – Sign-Now. Can also use for signing sanctioning agreements. $20/month or $100/annual. Motion to contract with Sign-Now passed.
New Business:
Gregg: Nominating committee – no activity. Membership should keep an open ear to look for potential volunteers and board member nominees.
Bylaws committee – reviewing bi-laws and will meet again at end of March. Looking to allow an electronic meeting of the annual meeting.
Canadian events
No HJ in Canada. Had one to start training, but between scheduling conflicts and Covid, there is no one available north of the border.
Unfinished Business/Old Business:
Spring Fair – was going to gauge their opening based on Sportmen’s Show. Now that the Sportmen’s comp has been canceled, Pat thinks that the Spring Fair might also cancel their comp.
Discussed some possible new events:
A possible 1-day event in Spokane
An early October event in Eastern Oregon
A community event in Oregon has been looking for info on a competition.
Possible Willamette Sportsman’s Show in Salem – 5/8 & 9. Limited service sanctioning agreement. Conflicts with traditional Langley event.
Discussed the 2021 Annual membership meeting – We will use the Clearwater plans from last year. Weekend of 11/12-14. Motion to move forward was passed by the Board.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was passed at 8:14 pm.
The next board meeting will be on March 24, 2021, at 6:30 pm.