Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort
2023 PNWBA Championship
Registration Deadline - November 6th, 2023
Event Date: Saturday Nov 11th, 2023
Registration Deadline - Nov 6th, 2023
PNWBA Board Representative: Eric Mendel
PNWBA Head Judges: Lance Rasmussen & Steve Rubin
Contact info:
- Lance Rasmussen – 206-601-2337 cell / message / text. Email:
- Steve Rubin - 206-412-0877 cell / message / text. Email:
- Pork
- Brisket
- Chicken
- Pork Ribs
Entries from both competitions will be using the same judges.
Event Location:
Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort
15347 Suquamish Way NE
Suquamish, WA 98392
Signup Info:
Important... You must be logged into this website with your email and password in order to access the registration for the event.
At this time, we are planning on 5 judging tables based on updated team count.
We are looking for the following:
• 30 Judges. PNWBA Certified BBQ Judges. This may expand to 36, so please add yourself to the waiting list, if we become full.
• 5 Table Captains. This may expand to 6, so please add yourself to the waiting list, if we become full.
• 3-5 Volunteers, i.e. Food Runners, Meat Wranglers, and general helpers.
Due to the fluid nature of this event, signing up does not guarantee a judging spot. Please be willing to volunteer as needed. Should there be a reduction in judges needed, an email will be sent to see if you would wish to volunteer.
The head judges will make the final assessment of volunteers and choose the seated judges. Tables will also be adjusted at the event to try and even out the judge levels and experience.
Please sign up for the waitlist if initial spots are full. We had to use several folks from the waitlist for our last event.
November 11th.
9:45 am- Please be at the location early.
10:00 am- Judges Meeting. Table Captains and volunteer meeting follows.
Turn-in Times:
- 11:00am- Pork
- 12:00pm - Brisket
- 1:00pm - Chicken
- 2:00pm - Ribs
Window is 5 minutes before the hour to 5 minutes after the turn in time.
PNWBA has a discounted block of rooms at the Clearwater Casino priced at $109 plus tax and the discount closes October 24th. Discount code will be in the confirmation email after signing up.