Minutes from 9/16/2020 Call-In PNWBA Board of Directors Meeting
Prepared by: Steve Rubin, PNWBA Board Secretary
Roll Call:
Jane Biehl - President – Present
Chris Kelly - Vice President – Present
Lance Rasmussen - Treasurer – Present
Steve Rubin - Secretary – Present
Jason Bauer - Board Member – Present
Glenn Elliott – Past President – Present
Gregg Fujino - Board Member – Present
Dale Groestema - Board Member
John Lim Hing – Board Member
James Jones - Board Member
Pat Maddock - Board Member – Present
Eric Mendel - Board Member – Present
Bill Stock - Board Member
Paul Wenger - Board Member
Loralee Williams - Board Member – Present
10 of 15 members present for a quorum.
The President called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.
Approve minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from the August call-in meeting was approved. Steve will post the August Minutes to the forum.
Treasurer's Report/Update
The handoff from past and current Treasurer will occur in the next few weeks per Lance and will be reported at the next meeting.
Committee Reports
Annual membership meeting.
Annual Membership Meeting Survey Update
Lance will send survey results to the board. Board discussed several items related to the meeting (members only, a survey sent to current members only, the board asked to send to recently lapsed members). We need a go/no-go decision 30 days prior to the meeting date. Suggestion to have emails from President asking for RSVP and email blast to the lapsed group to renew membership
Event Committee:
New Sanctioning Agreement for approval
A motion to approve a new Limited Service agreement was passed by the board. This will make us more competitive with KCBS and include additional services.
Saffron has a few events scheduled for 2021. Existing events can be grandfathered to the Basic Services agreement. New events will come under the new Limited Services agreement.
New Business:
The board had a discussion about a possible NW Championship competition. More to come.
We are asking organizers to submit sanctioning agreements or dates to add their events to our calendar. For now, deposits are not required.
Unfinished Business/Old Business:
The Board had a continuing discussion as to what the Association can do to maintain membership during the pandemic. We will continue the discussion at our next meeting.
Jane has talked to our insurance company. Since we currently do not have a calendar of upcoming events, we can purchase insurance for an event 2 or 3 days before each event. This would protect us against cancellation from any State, local, and public health restrictions. It would be slightly more expensive due to a brokerage fee per event, but not if we don’t have a full calendar. Before, we were paying it all at once, but this seems a reasonable approach for 2021.
The board recommended that we send an email to the membership asking for Hall of Fame nominations and to serve on the Board. And to remind the board for nominations for the Charlie Johnson award.
The board had a discussion about new Cooking classes, both backyard and competition. The goal is to get new cooks into the organization.
A motion was passed to adjourn the meeting and the President adjourned it at 8:53 pm
The next board meeting will be a phone meeting on October 21 at 6:30 PM